Saturday 1 February 2014

The First Project Is Underway!

We wanted to get started... so two of us decided to go ahead and do a smaller yarn bombing tag before we finally get together as a full group.

KninjaNeedles8 reading for tips

With some quick reading in Yarn Bombing: The Art of Crochet and Knit Graffiti by Mandy Moore and Leanne Prain, some good tips were given to get us started.

Here was our plan of action.

1. Decide on first yarn bombing location.  Here is not a sad looking stop sign, but not a happy looking stop sign... instead, it's a plain looking stop sign.  It needed decoration!

2.  Using our handy tools, we measured our location.

Knitting Kninjas need to take risks, KninjaNeedles8 is exposing her hands to the elements to get her measurements.

3. The final step for now is to pick the yarn we will use for this project.

Between three choices of yarn, KninjaNeedles8 decided on this green yarn which she preferred more than the other two.

This will be a joint project between two of us... a mother and daughter Knitting Kninja team!

Before we go cast on, the lesson of the day:

Stop sign poles measure 18 cms around.

And just so all you American readers understand, that's about the same as 7 inches.

Now we must go and cast on our tag!


  1. This is fantastic! Love the pictures and the play-by-play description! I'm going to get started on a scarf for the "warm up strangers" bombing!

  2. Stay tuned! Our next blog post will be tomorrow.
