On the morning of the yarn bomb, I walked into the office and said hello to The Detangler.
I asked her what she was up to (other than work), and she said,
"Oh, just putting out the media release for today's yarn bomb"
"Huh, yarn what????" I replied
"The Knitting Kninjas are doing a charity yarn bomb!"
"Okay.... Not sure what that is but I want to do it..?"
"This one's a charity yarn bomb, we leave knitted items that can be picked up and they're tagged with your ninja name, you could meet us at Salvation Army downtown."
I felt disappointed I didn't know about the event beforehand but as a newbie knitter most of my knitting is full of knots.
I went back to my class, disappointed I wouldn't be able to contribute something to the charity yarn bomb.
I sat down with my coffee, my glasses misting with the steam and as the bottom of the my glasses cleared, a pair of 6 mm sized knitting needles laying in a cross appeared in my view. Like x marks the spot, some chunky blue yarn lay beyond it.
"Should I start something?" I think to myself. My hands itches to pick up the needles, but I looked at the clock thinking about how could I, a newbie knitter, finish a scarf by 4:30?
Before I could even answer this question to myself, my hands are reaching towards the knitting needles and I've cast on 15 stitches and have done 3 rows before class has started.
Class has started?? I use my break and lunch to knit. Pretty soon I have 1/2 a scarf hanging off my knitting needles and lunch isn't even done. I turn the speed on and by the end of lunch I'm almost at the end if my yarn. At this point, I think, I can do this! My intensity has spread to 5 other students and we are all madly twisting yarn into shapes that can be worn.
Lunch comes to a close and I'm down to my last strand of yarn and I breathe a sigh of relief. My membership into the Knitting Kninjas is assured by KninjaNeedles8 with the completion of my item and I get a name and my tag is printed and laminated by KnitMama.
Now I'm like my students and I'm watching the clock, counting down the minutes until I can leave school and get my item tagged and left for someone.
Finally, the moment of knotty knitting truth arrives. I tag. I left. I conquered.

The morale of the story is, don't get knotted up by your own thinking, with two needles you can knit anything into something great.
The Knotty Knitter